Latest Episodes
Most Anticipated Films of 2023 & Babylon Discussion
Today we ramble about some films we are SUPER excited about in the coming 2023 fiscal year. Then we have an in-depth conversation about...
Top 10 of 2022!
WE'RE BACK! This time for good! Listen to us ramble about our top 10 favorite films of the year! Drop yours as well and...
RAMBLING: Nope, Prey and Deni Villeneuve's Divergent
We have returned! This week we're talking about NOPE, PREY, BODIESBODIESBODIES, and JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION (Spoilers!) and we theorize what Deni Villeneuve's YA novel-movie...
The Boys Season Finale, Dogs and Screaming Goats
The Boys season 3 has closed - was it good? Was it bad? Do our dogs like films? Does VeggieTales have a place in...
Kenobi/Stranger Things 4 SPOILER talk
In today's episode, we remember Doctor Who, talk about Kenobi and Stranger Things 4, and give the new Mossburg Murder Mop 5000 a try!
Stranger Things 4, The Boys and BARRY
The boys talk about The Boys, Stranger Things 4 actually being good, Kenobi, and BARRY Season 3. It's mind over TV today! And for...